
Emergency Preparedness Resources
Description Link
American Red Cross General Preparedness InformationOpens in new window
American Red Cross Earthquake Checklist (English)PDF File Opens in new window
American Red Cross Earthquake Checklist (En Español)PDF File Opens in new window
California Emergency Management Agency
California State University Active Shooter Video (English) Run, Hide, Fight (English)Opens in new window
California State University Active Shooter Video (Spanish) Run, Hide, Fight (En Español)Opens in new window
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
COVID-19 http://coronavirus.fullerton.eduOpens in new window
CSUF Evacuation Map CSUF Evacuation AreasPDF File Opens in new window
Earthquake Safety Drop, Cover and Hold On VideoOpens in new window
Earthquake Warning California Statewide Warning SystemOpens in new window
FEMA ICS Documents Guidance for Emergency Response
Personal Preparedness Grab 'n Go BagPDF File Opens in new window
Orange County Emergency Operations
Orange County Red Cross Desert To The Sea RegionOpens in new window
Office of Disability Support Services
Ready (Make a Plan)