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CSUF Police Department

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Four images in one box with CSUF imagery, a picture of the CSUF Police Department, and a campus safety specialist

We are pursuing a holistic safety vision to evolve university policing to new heights of excellence within the CSU and beyond by implementing a tiered safety response system to support a safe, inclusive, and welcoming university for Titans to thrive.

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By the Numbers

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  • 61
  • community outreach opportunities in 2024 and engaged with approximately 24,969 members of the public.
  • 13,466
  • non-emergency calls and 6,231 911 calls were answered by our 24-hour dispatch center in 2023. 
  • 223
  • training sessions were completed by our personnel in 2023. Of those 223 sessions, 88 were DEI-specific. 
  • 80%
  • of our department personnel have a bachelor's degree or higher; of those, 50% obtained their degree at Cal State Fullerton. 
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CSUF Police Department Authority

California State University police officers have complete police authority to apprehend and arrest anyone involved in illegal acts on campus and in areas adjacent to campus. CSUF police officers are sworn law enforcement officers under California Penal Code Section 830.2 and, in compliance with state statutes, meet the peace officer standards and training requirements mandatory for all California law enforcement officers. In addition, California State University police officers undergo training specially designed to meet the needs of a contemporary university community. All officers receive training in tolerance and diversity to better serve their community.

CSUF Police Department has a written agreement with the Fullerton Police Department, which defines and details operational authority pursuant to the Kristin Smart Campus Safety Act of 1998, Education Code SB 1729. This agreement designates which law enforcement agency has operational responsibility for investigating violent crimes (Part 1 crimes) and defines the specific geographical boundaries of each agency's operational responsibility. The bill further requires making these agreements available to the public and transmitting copies to the Legislative Analyst.

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